From bright, the Spence and Tenorio families took a trip past Falls Creek, to Wallaces Hut. It was a beautiful day when we left Bright, with expected maximum temp to be 31C. The road to the Bogong High Plains was steep and winding and there were a few moments when select occupants of both cars felt a little queasy.
The scenery on the way there was stunning and we stopped for a few photos along the way to quell the tummies and enjoy the view. The bushfires of 2003 had left many of the gums dead, and they made an amazing sight standing so stark and white on the mountainsides.
As we wound our way up the hills, I watched the temperature dropping on the dashboard display, until it finally came to rest on 12C at the start of the walking track to the hut! Ouch. We only had shorts and tshirts and it was a little nippy, as we ate our picnic, wrapped in the picnic blanket and whatever else we could find. I scrounged around in the car to see what else I could use and came across some of Emma's work clothes. I chose a 'jumper' for Dom to wear. It was a short walk to Wallaces Hut, and such a pretty place when the sun came out. It is only to be used for emergency shelter these days, no camping, when the weather is inhospitable, as I'm sure it gets, particularly in winter.
There were views all around. It was difficult to stop taking photos, as everywhere you turned, you saw another fabulous vista. The trees, dead and alive, were really great subjects, and I found myself taking so many pictures of trees and parts of trees and the like.